Finger Puppet Mafia
We're the
Finger Puppet Mafia
Central DeWitt's High School Robotics Team
Innovators, inventors, builders, designers, storytellers, programmers, and thinkers. We are our smallest team yet, a team of just six, but our ambitions are still high. In our now nine functioning years, the FPM has made it to state competition 5 times, world’s once, and has won over 17 awards. We hope to continue this trend, and will work hard to ensure so.
It is our mission to spread STEM throughout our school and community. We strive to inspire, teach and learn. Through our efforts we’ve been able to connect with younger students in the FLL programs. We’ve been able to receive guidance from professionals in the STEM fields. And we actively use our social media to reach out to the community.
As we continue to refine our skills and resources, we recognize the value of the friends and family who’ve supported our cause. Together they have empowered us to represent our team, our school, and our community in our quest to go far.
Back Left: Sam Robinson, Grayson Chrones, Adam Townsley, Eli Eggers, Noah Eggers, Tyson Veach. Front Left: Hannah Moore, Garrison Chrones, Abby Stoker, Katelynn Simmons, Eliza Petersen. Not Pictured: Allison Brown, Thomas Fielding, Austin Senske